As a business leader exploring ways to increase the transparency and efficiency of your supply chain network, you’ve likely already heard about IoT asset tracking solutions. But have you considered how the advanced analytics these IoT solutions provide can streamline your processes and put more powerful information at your fingertips? 

Supply chain analytics generated by IoT asset tracking platforms leverage real-time data from connected sensors to provide comprehensive insights that drive better decision-making throughout the entire supply chain process. 

In this blog post, we will dive into an overview of supply chain analytics and explain how IoT technology can be used to monitor inventory levels, track shipments in transit, and much more — helping business leaders like you make smart decisions about their assets and inventories that are critical to overall supply chain operations.


What Is Supply Chain Analytics?

Supply chain analytics refers to the strategic use of data sources to optimize the performance of a supply chain. It provides a way to extract valuable insights from the massive amounts of unstructured data generated by a complex network of enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms utilized by suppliers and partners. 

With supply chain analytics, businesses can better understand consumer demand patterns, track shipments in real-time, and identify operational inefficiencies that lead to delays or disruptions. By leveraging the power of analytics, supply chain managers can make data-driven decisions based on business intelligence to reduce costs, improve delivery times, and enhance customer satisfaction. 

As such, supply chain analytics is an essential part of modern supply chain management, providing organizations with a competitive advantage in an increasingly complex and demanding business landscape.


What Types Of Data And Analysis Does Supply Chain Analytics Rely On?

Supply chain analytics is all about utilizing data to identify opportunities for improvement within a supply chain network. There are four key types of data and cognitive analytics that supply chain managers rely on to accomplish this task:

  • Descriptive analytics provides a snapshot of the current state of the supply chain, including the flow of goods and information. 
  • This is followed by diagnostic analytics, which looks beyond what is happening and helps to understand why specific trends or patterns arise. 
  • Predictive analytics is next in line, which helps forecast future events and identify potential risks or opportunities. 
  • Finally, prescriptive analytics offers recommendations on what should be done to optimize performance and minimize any risks. 

These types of analytics carry great weight in decision making within the supply chain analytics field. 

By utilizing these various data typologies and analytics techniques, supply chain managers can digest the complexity of their supply chain and make informed strategic decisions, providing efficient, effective, and optimized results.


Common Applications of Supply Chain Analytics 

– Improve Forecasting Accuracy: One of the most important applications of supply chain analytics is to improve forecasting accuracy. 

By using historical data and machine learning algorithms, organizations can develop more accurate models for predicting future demand. This can help to reduce inventory levels and stock-outs, while also ensuring that products are available when customers need them.

– Optimize Inventory Levels: Another key application of supply chain analytics is to optimize inventory levels. 

By analyzing data on past sales, production levels, and customer demand, organizations can better understand how much inventory they need to maintain in order to meet customer demand. This can help to reduce waste and save money on storage costs.

– Improve Supplier Performance: Supply chain analytics can also be used to improve supplier performance. 

By tracking data on supplier delivery times, quality issues, and cost, organizations can identify areas where suppliers need to improve. This information can then be used to negotiate better terms with suppliers or find new suppliers that can provide better quality products at a lower cost.

– Reduce Transportation Costs: Transportation is one of the biggest expenses for many organizations, so reducing transportation costs is a key goal for many supply chain managers. 

Supply chain analytics can be used to identify opportunities for reducing transportation costs by analyzing data on shipping routes, delivery times, and fuel consumption.

– Enhance Customer Service: Another important application of supply chain analytics is to improve customer service. 

By analyzing data on customer orders, returns, and complaints, organizations can identify areas where they need to improve their operations in order to better meet customer needs. This information can then be used to make changes to the way products are designed, manufactured, or delivered in order to improve the customer experience.

– Increase Sales: Increasing sales is another common goal for organizations that use supply chain analytics. 

By analyzing data on customer buying patterns, product popularity, and seasonal trends, organizations can develop strategies for increasing sales of their products. This information can be used to develop marketing campaigns or promotions that target specific customers or markets that are more likely to purchase your products.

– Reduce Waste: Reducing waste is another important application of supply chain analytics. 

By analyzing data on production levels, inventory levels, returnable shipping containers, and customer demand, organizations can identify areas where they may be producing too much product or holding too much inventory. This information can then be used to make changes to the way products are manufactured or distributed in order to reduce waste of raw materials and save money.

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The Risks Of Failing To Track And Leverage Supply Chain Analytics

When businesses fail to track and leverage supply chain analytics, they often face a number of challenges that can impact their bottom line. 

One common issue is a lack of visibility into the supply chain, which can make it difficult to identify inefficiencies and optimize operations. 

Another challenge is an inability to predict demand and plan inventory accordingly, which can result in stockouts or overstocking. 

Additionally, without access to robust analytics, businesses may struggle to negotiate favorable terms with suppliers or identify cost-saving opportunities. 

By investing in supply chain analytics tools, businesses can overcome these challenges and gain valuable insights that can drive growth and competitive advantage.


The Role Of IoT Asset Tracking In Supply Chain Analytics

In today’s fast-paced world, supply chain analytics plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of businesses. 

At the heart of this crucial function lies IoT asset tracking solutions. These powerful tools are the key to obtaining real-time insights into the condition and location of assets, thereby enabling businesses to make better informed decisions and optimize their supply chain operations. 

With IoT asset tracking, businesses can track inventory levels, manage orders, and monitor the movement of their products through the supply chain, from the warehouse to the final destination. 

By providing granular visibility into all aspects of their supply chain, businesses can identify potential bottlenecks and make necessary adjustments to improve the efficiency and overall effectiveness of their operations. 

With cutting-edge IoT asset tracking solutions, businesses can gain a competitive edge and take their supply chain analytics to the next level.


Access Powerful Supply Chain Analytics With Radiant’s IoT Solutions 

Supply chain analytics has the potential to revolutionize how you manage your supply chain operations. It allows for faster and more accurate predictions, greater resource optimization throughout your logistics processes, modern inventory management, and promotes efficient demand planning. 

Utilizing the right types of supply chain data analytic tools can significantly reduce costs, increase efficiency and accuracy in operations, and provide real time supply chain visibility. IoT asset tracking is a remarkable asset for supply chain analytics; when it comes to monitoring real-time metrics and top performance factors around customer relationships, no other technology can match it. 

Radiant’s IoT solutions provide visualization of key patterns that drive success while offering superior levels of intelligence that help you optimize performance and maximize savings. With us, you can access powerful supply chain analytics anytime from anywhere, as well as leverage valuable insights about your assets in no time. 

Don’t hesitate to explore our IoT asset tracking solution today – just request your demo below.

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Last Updated on June 6, 2023 by Radiant

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