If you’re a business leader trying to streamline operations and ensure the integrity of your assets, asset tags are essential. 

But when it comes to asset identification, the choice is not always easy: Should you purchase pre-printed labels or print them yourself? 

It’s no simple question—while printing your own can be cost-effective for smaller companies, there are certain risks that come with this route. 

Read on as we explore why pre-printed tags might be the ideal solution for long-term success in tracking your physical assets.


What Are Asset Tags?

Asset tags are small yet powerful tools that can make a significant impact on your business operations.

At their core, asset tags are labels affixed to equipment, tools, and other tangible assets to help maintain an accurate inventory. But they do much more than that. 

By allowing you to track and manage assets, asset tags improve your organization’s operational efficiency, reduce costs, and even increase the lifespan of your equipment. 

In short, they are a critical element for any business serious about asset management. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, implementing asset tags can help you keep track of your inventory and maximize your resources.


Should You Print Your Own Asset Tags? 

If you’re in the process of labeling your company’s assets, it’s tempting to opt for a quick and easy solution by printing your own asset tags. While printable asset tags can be a handy option, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. 

On one hand, printing your own tags is a cost-effective method that can save time and money. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these tags may not be as durable as professionally printed ones. 

Additionally, printing tags on your own requires access to the appropriate equipment and materials, as well as experience in designing labels. 

Whether or not you should print your own asset tags ultimately depends on your specific needs and resources. As with any business decision, it’s wise to weigh the pros and cons before moving forward.


The Advantages of Leveraging Printable Asset Tags

  1. Cost-Effective

Printing your own asset tags can be a very cost-effective solution, especially if you need a large number of tags. You can print them as you need them, which means that you won’t have to pay for storage or for tags that you don’t end up using.

  1. Quick and Easy

Printing your own asset tags is also a quick and easy process. You can design the tags using an online template or software program and then print them out on your own printer. This process can be completed in just a few minutes, which is much faster than ordering custom tags from a company.

  1. No Minimum Order Quantity

When you print your own asset tags, you won’t have to worry about minimum order quantities. This is because you can print as many or as few tags as you need without having to meet any minimum requirements. This is ideal if you only need a few tags or if you need to reorder tags on a regular basis.

  1. Flexible Design Options

When you print your own asset tags, you have the ability to create label designs however you like. This means that you can include any information that you feel is important, such as your company logo, contact information, or barcodes. You also have the ability to choose the size, shape, and material of your tags, which gives you complete control over the look and feel of your tags.

  1. Easy to Store

Printing your own asset tags is an easy way to store extra tags on hand. All you need is a printer and some blank asset tags. You can store the extra tags in a drawer or cabinet until they are needed. This is opposed to ordering extra tags from a third-party supplier, which can take up valuable storage space in your office or warehouse.

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The Disadvantages of Leveraging Printable Asset Tags

  1. Poor Quality

One of the biggest disadvantages of printing your own asset tags is that the quality will likely be poor. Professional asset tags are printed on high-quality materials with high-resolution printers, which results in a tag that is durable and easy to read. If you print your own tags, they will likely be made of lower-quality material label sheets and will not be as durable or easy to read.

  1. Not Durable

Another disadvantage of printing your own asset tags is that they are not as durable as professionally printed tags. This is because professional tags are made of high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear, whereas DIY tags are made of cheaper materials that are more likely to tear or fade over time. This means that your asset tags will need to be replaced more often if you print them yourself, which can be costly in the long run.

  1. Time-Consuming

Another disadvantage of printable asset tags is that they can be time-consuming. Depending on the number of tags you need, it could take hours or even days to print them all out. If you purchase professional tags, they will be ready to use right away and will save you a lot of time in the long run.

  1. Requires Specialized Equipment

If you want to print your own custom asset tags, you’ll need to invest in some specialized labels equipment. This includes a laser printer that is capable of printing on the type of material you want to use for your tags (e.g., metal, plastic, etc.), as well as the software needed to design the asset tags’ barcoding. This can be costly, especially if you only need a small number of asset labels.

  1. Risk of Error

When you print your own asset tags, there is a risk of making human errors. For example, you may misprint the tag or forget to include important information, such as the asset’s serial number. If you purchase professional tags, they will be printed correctly the first time and will include all of the necessary information.

  1. Difficulty Tracking Assets

If you print your own asset labels, it can be difficult to keep track of your assets. This is because each label will need to be manually entered into an asset tracking system (e.g., spreadsheet, database). If an asset is lost or stolen, it can be difficult to track it down without an up-to-date tracking system. Purchasing professional asset labels helps to avoid this problem as they typically come with barcode labels, QR codes, RFID chips, or BLE beacons that can be scanned and entered into an asset tracking system automatically.


Considerations When Deciding Between Pre-Made Asset Tags Or Printable Asset Tags

When it comes to tracking business assets, knowing the right asset tagging solution to adopt can be quite challenging. However, there are some key considerations that can guide you in making the right choice. 

Pre-made asset tags are the ideal solution for businesses looking to save time and cost. With a pre-made asset tag, you don’t have to worry about investing in the right materials and equipment needed to produce high-quality tags. 

Instead, you can focus on streamlining your operations and let the experts take care of the rest. Moreover, pre-made asset tags are more durable, longer-lasting, and ensure asset information is clearly visible, which is critical for businesses with large numbers of assets. 

On the other hand, printable asset tags may seem like a viable option, but they come with various drawbacks. The quality and durability of printable asset tags may not be sufficient for long-term asset tracking and may require additional capital and resources to maintain. 

Therefore, it’s best to consult with experts in the field of asset tagging before making a final decision.


What Are The Benefits of Buying Professional Asset Tags?

Investing in professionally made asset management solutions, like BLE beacons and RFID tags, offers a myriad of benefits over self-made printable asset tags. 

Firstly, these solutions are expertly engineered to provide accurate tracking of your assets, making inventory management an effortless task. 

They offer real-time location monitoring, enabling you to quickly identify the whereabouts of your assets, reducing asset loss and increasing efficiency. 

Additionally, professionally made asset tags are aesthetically pleasing and tamper-proof, ensuring a long life span and providing asset protection. They also offer better durability, ensuring the tags remain intact and readable even in harsh conditions.

Adopting these solutions speaks of a commitment to quality, and with the rise of technological advancements, it is crucial to stay ahead of the curve in asset management. Ditch the homemade asset tags and invest in professionally made solutions to take your asset management practice to the next level.


Take Your Asset Management To The Next Level With Radiant’s IoT Solutions

In the end, it’s up to you to decide which type of asset tags are most appropriate for your needs. 

Those looking for an efficient and reliable method of tracking their assets should consider using a pre-made asset tag system. This will provide long-term benefits such as cost savings, the ability to quickly access data points, and simplified tracking when compared to printable or self-made tags. 

Alternatively, individuals looking for flexibility and reduced costs can opt for printable asset tags. However, it’s important to bear in mind that these will come with certain limitations associated with quality, durability, and loss of data. 

Above all else, be sure to carefully assess your current requirements and expectations before making a decision – this will make all the difference in gaining the best value from your asset management system. 

If you’re serious about taking your asset management system to the next level, then why not explore our IoT asset tracking solution? Requesting a demo is easy – just fill out the form below. 

Are you ready to learn more? Request a demo.

Last Updated on June 21, 2023 by Radiant

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