Are you looking for a way to keep track of your company’s valuable assets? 

Asset tracking tags are designed to help businesses get the most out of their fixed asset investments without employing time consuming asset inventory processes. By attaching small asset labels to each asset, it enables the business to monitor and manage those items at all times. 

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been using asset tracking tags for years, there are certain do’s and don’ts that must be followed in order to maximize efficiency and minimize errors as much as possible. 

To help ensure success with your asset tracking program, read on for our rundown on the absolute best practices when using asset tags.


What Are Asset Tracking Tags?

Asset tracking tags, more commonly referred to as asset tags, are small devices made from materials such as anodized aluminum that can be attached to physical assets. These include tag barcode labels, metal asset tags, radio frequency identification or active RFID tags, QR codes, and more.

Through serial numbering, these tags, which use IoT technology, help organizations track the asset’s location and other information such as type, quantity, and condition. By scanning the asset tags with a compatible reader, asset managers can quickly obtain intelligence data on their asset inventory in real-time. 

With asset tracking tags, asset management becomes easier and more efficient. Organizations using these tags can take advantage of increased visibility and accuracy in asset tracking by automating manual asset tracking processes. 

As a result, companies can reduce operational costs and improve asset security and productivity overall. However, it’s important to be aware of the following do’s and don’ts so that you can get the most out of your asset tracking tags.


DO: Select The Right Type Of Asset Tag For Your Needs

When asset tracking tags are employed, it is vitally important to select asset tags with the features and capabilities that best meet the individual needs of each asset. 

Asset tags vary wildly in terms of size, materials, form factors, durability, readability range, and more – so finding the right asset tag requires careful consideration. 

Depending on your asset’s environment and requirements, different variables need to be taken into account before selecting the custom asset tag that is right for you. 

High-performance asset tags, such as those using UHF technology, offer extended readability distances, greater endurance against abrasion or exposure to chemicals, and the ability to program data onto hardware, making them ideal for complex asset tracking applications. 

If a simpler solution is required then low-cost passive RFID tags can provide just what you need. 

Whichever type you choose, make sure it meets your needs by doing your research and ensuring you know exactly what features and attributes each individual asset requires from its asset tag.


DON’T: Use Asset Tags That Are Incompatible With Your Environment

Asset tracking tags are a great way to keep track of physical inventory and equipment, but only if you are using asset tags that are compatible with your environment. 

Damaged or incompatible asset tags can cause unreliable data and even misreadings, leading to inefficient asset management processes and worse yet, asset loss. 

To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, take the time before buying asset tags to evaluate the environmental conditions of where they will be utilized; temperature extremes, humidity levels, or any other factors that could affect its performance should all be evaluated ahead of time. 

If you don’t take the time to ensure their compatibility in advance, you may find yourself dealing with the costly consequences later.


DO: Attach Asset Tags Securely Based Upon Manufacturer Guidance 

Attaching asset tags securely is an important step in asset tracking. Asset tags provide a straightforward way to access asset information, manage asset locations, and monitor asset performance easily. 

For this reason, it is important to understand manufacturer guidelines for attaching asset tracking tags. 

Depending on the asset type, these guidelines can vary significantly. It is best practice to follow guidance to ensure asset tags remain in place and the asset data remains accessible. 

Taking the time to ensure proper asset tag installation can save time later spent troubleshooting missing or misplaced asset tags.


DON’T: Use Asset Tracking Tags That Are Not Tamper-Proof

Asset tracking tags are a great asset to have when monitoring products and inventory, but why waste your time and money investing in asset tags that aren’t tamper-proof

Tamper-proof asset tracking tags are a must if you want dependable asset management that won’t be compromised. 

You need something reliable, secure, and durable enough to remain untampered to ensure the integrity of the asset data. 

So don’t settle for anything less than tamper-proof asset tags—you’ll thank yourself in the long run.


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DO: Include All Pertinent Asset Data

If asset tracking tags are going to be effective, they must include all pertinent asset data. This includes information on asset type, location, and owner. 

Asset tags are only as powerful as the asset data behind them; empty asset tags lack any tangible value. 

To get the most out of asset tagging systems, it is necessary to first ensure that all asset data is properly collected and managed. Then this asset data can be associated with each asset tag so that the asset can be effectively tracked over its lifetime. 

A comprehensive asset tracking system can mean fewer delays due to inefficient processes and less uncertainty when determining an asset’s status or location.

Deploying asset tags without taking the time to include complete asset data can have a negative impact on operations and lead to significant inefficiencies within an organization.


DON’T: Forget To Keep Your Asset Register Up-To-Date 

Asset tracking tags can be incredibly useful; however, they only work if you keep a current asset register

Every time you move or dispose of equipment, the asset register must be updated to make sure the asset tag reflects its actual location. 

Not doing so could lead to inaccurate asset tracking, which can cause major organizational headaches and make it difficult to track down asset information quickly in a pinch. 

Keeping your asset register up-to-date has clear benefits, so don’t forget to do it.


DO: Periodically Audit Asset Tags For Accuracy

Keeping asset tracking tags up to date is an essential part of asset management. Regularly auditing asset tags ensures accurate and reliable asset tracking that can save businesses money and time in the long run. 

Auditing asset tags involves validating asset tagging information, making sure data is up to date and properly associated with assets, and recording any new asset information or changes. 

Accurate asset tags enable accurate asset tracking, which in turn allows users to stay on top of maintenance requirements, inventory shipments and orders, asset purchase history, and other pertinent information related to specific assets. 

So don’t forget—auditing asset tags periodically is an integral part of effective asset management.


DON’T: Deploy Asset Tags Without A Compatible Asset Tracking Solution In-Place

Asset tags are a fantastic asset tracking tool, but they don’t reach their full potential without an asset tracking solution in-place to help them flourish. 

Deploying asset tags without an asset tracking system backing them up is akin to building half of a bridge – it simply won’t get you far, and in fact, it could prove to be a very costly mistake.

Even if asset tags are more convenient to deploy, they become essentially useless unless they are linked to asset tracking software that provides the necessary information, such as real-time locations, asset life cycle data, asset performance, and asset utilization. 

Without an asset tracking solution running in the background, asset tracking tags become nothing more than a set of barcodes, and it can lead to significant financial losses due to not being able to keep tabs on company assets. 

Therefore, it is critical for any business to invest in proper asset management solutions before deploying any asset tags in their environment.


Ready To Explore Asset Tracking & Tagging Solutions For Your Business? 

By following the “do’s” and avoiding the “don’ts” of asset tags, you can be well on your way to deploying an effective solution for tracking your company assets. 

However, it’s important to remember that no matter how good your asset tags are, they won’t do much good without a compatible asset tracking system in place. 

Thankfully, at Radiant, we offer a full-stack solution. Please explore our asset tracking solution and request your demo below to see how it could help streamline your business operations.

Are you ready to learn more? Request a demo.

Last Updated on January 9, 2023 by Radiant

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