When it comes to safety and security in the workplace, nothing is more important than having an emergency response plan in place (for example, an automated emergency headcount system). That’s why businesses are increasingly turning to employee mustering systems as a way to keep everyone safe and secure. But what are these systems, and what should you look for when considering the emergency preparedness of your business? Keep reading to find out.


What Is Employee Mustering?

Employee mustering is a process used by businesses to track the location of employees, visitors, and contractors in the event of an emergency. By collecting information in advance, businesses can ensure that everyone is accounted for and that everyone has a plan in the event of an emergency evacuation.

Employee mustering can be done manually, by having someone go through the building and check on the location of each person, or it can be done automatically, using an employee mustering system. In either case, it is important to have an automated emergency headcount system in place so that businesses can react quickly in the event of a real emergency.


What Is An Emergency Mustering System?

Emergency mustering systems are designed to facilitate the safe evacuation of people during a crisis or emergency situation. These systems typically consist of various technologies, such as dedicated muster points, phones and communication portals, employee badges with RFID chips, and automated messaging capabilities.

By enabling fast and efficient employee coordination and communication, these automated mustering systems help ensure that everyone can safely evacuate a building or facility in the event of an emergency. Additionally, some emergency industrial mustering systems also incorporate employee tracking features that provide valuable information for post-incident analysis.

Overall, emergency managment systems and automated emergency headcount systems are essential tools for ensuring the safety of large groups of people during an emergency situation.


IoT and Employee Mustering 

The rise of the internet of things (IoT) has revolutionized the way that businesses operate, creating a more connected and efficient workplace. One area where IoT has had a significant impact is employee mustering and tracking.

Through the use of RFID employee badges or other tracking devices, workers can now easily be identified and tracked throughout the day without having to rely on outdated paper-based systems. Furthermore, employee safety becomes easier to monitor as workers are only allowed into potentially hazardous areas once they have been scanned into those locations.

Together, these technologies have helped to create a culture of safety by enabling safety officers to track employee activity in real-time from remote locations, ensuring that major incidents or injuries are quickly identified and mitigated before they can do too much damage.

Overall, IoT and employee mustering have transformed the way that businesses view employee safety, resulting in safer, more productive workplaces for all.

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What Are The Benefits Of An IoT Employee Mustering System?

At its core, an IoT employee mustering system involves deploying sensors or other tracking devices throughout the workplace in order to monitor employee movements. These sensors then relay information about employee location back to a central hub for analysis and decision-making.The benefits of using an IoT employee mustering system include:

  • Real-time tracking is one of the biggest benefits of using an IoT employee mustering system. With this type of system, employee data is collected and transmitted in real-time, which means that organizations can track employee whereabouts at all times. This is especially beneficial in case of an emergency, as it can help organizations to quickly identify where employees are located and ensure their safety without the need for roll call.
  • Improved accuracy is another benefit of using an IoT employee mustering system. This type of system relies on accurate sensors to collect employee data, which means that the data collected is more reliable than data collected manually. This is important in case of an emergency, as accurate data can be used to make decisions that could potentially save lives.
  • Scalability is another benefit of using an IoT employee mustering system. This type of system can be easily scaled to meet the needs of any organization, which makes it a good choice for organizations with large or growing employee populations. Additionally, an IoT system can often be customized to account for unique needs and requirements within an organization.

Additionally, an IoT employee mustering system is incredibly flexible and can be customized based on a variety of different factors, including employee roles and responsibilities, floor plans, evacuation routes, hazardous areas, etc. Moreover, these systems are typically easy to set up and maintain, requiring minimal upkeep over time.

Overall, an IoT employee mustering system can help businesses increase operational efficiency, enhance workplace safety protocols, and keep pace with shifting industry trends.


BLE & RFID: The Technologies Behind Industrial Mustering  

Industrial mustering systems utilize two key technologies in order to efficiently manage employee whereabouts and safety on the job site.

The first of these is BLE, or Bluetooth Low Energy, which enables employees to use their smartphones or other mobile devices to scan in and out of the workplace using a special app. This not only helps to track employee attendance and attendance patterns, but also makes it easy for managers to locate employees in the event of an emergency.

The second technology that is used in industrial mustering systems is RFID, or radio frequency identification. As its name implies, this technology utilizes radio waves to track employee locations and monitor employee activity in real time. In particular, RFID tags that are embedded into employee uniforms can be scanned for access control as employees enter and exit specific zones within the workplace, providing additional data about employee movements throughout the workday.

Overall, these two technologies are essential for ensuring employee safety and security in any industrial setting.


Who Benefits From An Employee Mustering System? 

An employee mustering system is designed to ensure the safety and security of all workers in the workplace. Such systems benefit employers by ensuring that all employees are accounted for during emergencies or other activities that involve a large number of staff. They also provide reassurance to both management and workers, giving everyone peace of mind knowing that they can easily locate each other in the event of an emergency.

Additionally, employee mustering systems can help managers identify potential safety concerns within a workplace, allowing them to take action before any serious issues arise. Ultimately, an employee mustering system benefits everyone involved: employers, employees, and their families who rely on these individuals being able to do their jobs safely and securely.


How Does Radiant’s Employee Mustering Solution Work? 

The Radiant Employee Mustering solution is a combination of IoT-enabled badges, fixed readers at key building assembly areas, ingress and egress points, a single or multiple unit deployment of our mobile Muster Kit, and our easy-to-use software. Because it is portable, the Muster Kit provides maximum flexibility to manage employee mustering outside facilities (ex: parking lots) during the fluid times of an emergency.

Unlike proximity access cards, which require each user to come into very close contact with a reader, our UHF Gen 2 RFID Badges deliver a much greater read range, enabling users to simply pass within a few feet to be picked up by the system. The Muster Kit deploys during an emergency and can detect the presence of employees within 25 feet, and additional remote devices can be used to easily increase the coverage of employee and visitor detection — making any location an assembly area.


Features & Benefits of Radiant’s Employee Mustering Solutions 

  • Mobile device integration
  • Equis mobile app (iOS & Android) for Muster Captains and personnel
  • Standalone portable mustering station
  • Report of missing person(s)
  • Optional smartphone / tablet app


Ready to learn more about how an IoT Employee Mustering system could benefit your company? Contact us today.


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Last Updated on September 13, 2022 by Radiant

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