Returnable containers form an integral part of your business operations, enabling you to maximize efficiency and move goods from the manufacturer directly to their destination. But having a great system in place for tracking those returnable containers is key to ensuring that your customers consistently receive quality products on time and at a minimal cost. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore what reverse logistics is as it pertains to returnable container tracking. We’ll also discuss how data-driven solutions can boost automation capabilities while reducing errors and overall costs – allowing you maximum control without sacrificing customer satisfaction.


What Is Reverse Logistics?

Reverse logistics is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of an efficient supply chain. It refers to the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the reverse flow of goods or materials from the point of consumption back to their origin. 

Instead of only focusing on the incoming flow of goods like in traditional logistics, the reverse logistics supply chain adds another layer by enabling companies to manage outgoing materials as well through a wide range of activities, including reverse distribution, repair management, product recycling, customer returns management, and even remanufacturing. 

All of these activities can help businesses reduce costs by reusing, repairing, or recycling older materials and products. 

Furthermore, reverse logistics is essential for achieving customer satisfaction, as it enables returns and repairs with minimal effort for both parties involved. 

Ultimately, reverse logistics allows businesses to optimize their processes and ultimately become more profitable.


Four Types Of Reverse Logistics

Generally speaking, the types of reverse logistics can be classified into four main categories: those related to brick-and-mortar business; those related to a secondary market; those related to reusability or repair; and those related to returns goods. 

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  • Reverse logistics for brick-and-mortar refers to activities such as inventory reserves, closed-store rescues, shipping/trucking, or rental management processes. 
  • Reverse logistics for a secondary market focus on transportation solutions for raw materials, designing efficient packaging methods, and implementation of upcycling.
  • The logistics involved with reusability deal with repairs or refurbishments that must be done to returned products.
  • Finally, when it comes to returns goods, this type of reverse logistics involves the re-stocking or merchandising strategies for disposal management or repurposing activities.

A rare but perfect example of all four of these reverse logistics types can be found in one high-value asset in particular – returnable containers. 


One Perfect Example Of All Four Types Of Reverse Logistics: Returnable Containers 

As an example, reverse logistics can be understood by examining the efficient use of returnable containers in businesses. 

Returnable containers are durable containers that can be reused multiple times while transporting goods between different stages within a supply chain. This means that returnable containers are an example of all four types of reverse logistics mentioned above. 

By reverse engineering this system, businesses can optimize the use of returnable containers, ensuring faster product delivery times and minimizing cost wastage due to damages associated with single-use packaging. 

Companies will also benefit from increased savings through cost-effective reverse logistics by consolidating their resources by condensing shipping orders or managing unused or idle assets.


How Does Reverse Logistics Work For Returnable Container Management? 

Returnable containers are used on a large scale throughout supply chains for general logistics purposes, such as safely transporting products or parts from one place to another. 

Once the containers have reached their destination and been unloaded, the reverse logistics process begins with the backward movement of the returnable containers from their original destination back to the premises where they originated. 

After arriving at the origin, the empty containers are inspected for damages and then either reused or properly disposed of, depending on their condition. The returned items then undergo quality testing before being cleaned, refurbished, or recycled.

Once completed, these valuable assets can be used again in reverse supply chains for repeat use, or new distribution deals have to be worked out as appropriate. 

Through the use of returnable containers and effective reverse logistics, companies reap tangible rewards such as increased customer satisfaction, improved operational efficiencies, and cost savings within their supply chain systems.

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Common Issues With Reverse Logistics And Returnable Containers 

Managing reverse logistics and returnable containers come with many common issues. 

Such issues include unreliable tracking systems leaving containers unrecorded, irregular cycles of delivery and pickup, and an overall lack of visibility throughout the reverse supply chain. 

When dealing with reverse logistics, stakeholders must take into consideration auditing procedures; this requires manual processes that can involve excessive labor costs. 

Furthermore, when creating an effective reverse logistics system, there are physical requirements for the condition of returnable containers that must be met for safe reuse. 

Underestimating the complexity of reverse logistics often results in mismanagement, higher fees, and inventory wastage of valuable resources in returnable containers.


How Returnable Container Tracking Solutions Help To Address These Issues

Returnable container tracking solutions offer some simple yet effective solutions to address these challenges by removing manual processes in reverse logistics and providing digital oversight of returnable containers. 

This digital oversight helps to ensure that reverse logistics processes can be completed quickly and accurately while saving money and eliminating theft or damage to the containers. 

Additionally, returnable container tracking software enables automatic alerts to determine when containers have been overdue for long periods of time or are not expected back in due time. 

As such, this enables businesses to juggle their reverse logistics operations and supply chain management more efficiently, resulting in increased cost savings and improved customer service experiences.


The Benefits Of Implementing a Returnable Container Tracking Solution

Implementing a returnable container tracking system can benefit reverse logistics processes significantly. 

By effectively managing the reverse flow of goods and their associated containers, manufacturers, warehouses, distributors, and suppliers can reduce costs while simultaneously preventing loss and defective products and minimizing return rates. 

These IoT tracking systems provide real-time visibility of returnable containers so that users can quickly identify where specific RTIs are located at any given time and when they will be available for reuse. 

It also allows intelligent decisions to be made regarding reverse logistics scheduling and improved coordination between parties involved in reverse supply chains.

All through a single user-friendly interface, companies can improve their reverse logistics operations by implementing uniform container identification standards and eliminating manual entry processes.


Optimize Your Reverse Logistics With Radiant’s Container Tracking Solution 

Applying a returnable container tracking solution to your business’s operations can help to optimize your overall reverse logistics strategy. 

By ensuring that containers are properly tracked and monitored throughout their journey, you can avoid many of the common issues associated with managing returnable containers. 

In addition, a container tracking solution provides numerous benefits that can help improve your bottom line and build customer loyalty. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how our container tracking solution can benefit your business, explore our website or request a demo below.

Are you ready to learn more? Request a demo.

Last Updated on February 15, 2023 by Radiant

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