Passive RFID Solution: Ivy League Medical School Reduces Inventory Time by more than 75%, Freeing Up Resources with Passive RFID

Passive RFID Solution: Ivy League Medical School Reduces Inventory Time by more than 75%, Freeing Up Resources with Passive RFID

For an Ivy League Medical School that receives hundreds of millions of dollars in sponsored funding annually, completing federally and grant-mandated biennial inventories used to be a necessary but time-consuming, labor-intensive process. Audits conducted every two years required physically inventorying assets spread across a campus of two million square feet, made up of eighteen different […]

IoT Automotive Asset Management: 99% Accountability, 1% Effort

IoT Automotive Asset Management: 99% Accountability, 1% Effort

Automotive Asset Tracking IoT Solutions The location and condition of physical assets are two important aspects of the ever-evolving automotive industry. To make worldwide supply chain decisions, automotive businesses and suppliers need accurate, real-time data at their fingertips. Today, the automotive industry business can scale across various physical environments, situations, and obstacles thanks to a […]

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