Radiant is pleased to announce the commercial availability of Panther, an iOS and Android app that inventories Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) beacons in full background mode. Panther automatically inventories assets tagged with Radiant beacons – no tapping, aiming, or hardware required. As employees and contractors move throughout a customer’s organization’s facilities, their Panther-enabled smartphones “read” beacons and synchronize to VAT.
Benefits for Panther Users:
- Panther operates in 100% background mode. Users do not have to remember to open and close the app or log in each time to use it.
- Users schedule inventory times. Panther is disabled during non-scheduled times.
- No need to carry additional equipment to perform inventory. Panther inventories nearby beacons on their own while users are performing their daily tasks.
Benefits for VAT Customers:
- Because Radiant’s VAT Platform utilizes multiple asset tracking technologies, customers can add BLE tracking capabilities quickly.
- Customers only need to license a Panther software module in addition to their VAT licenses. No app fees.
- Panther inventories Radiant Beacons, which are battery-powered for up to 5 years. The beacons can be inventoried by both Panther and VAT 2Go. The difference is Panther is a beacon-only app designed to perform a background inventory of high-value and/or widely dispersed assets. VAT 2Go offers multiple functions as well as RFID tracking.
Interested in learning more? Contact your account representative or reach out to us online.
Last Updated on April 21, 2022 by Radiant